Fossils and Archeology Mod Revival Wiki

Dinoboss6268 Dinoboss6268 21 August 2016

What do you think

I saw this artical and I thought it was cool. Tell me what you think would really happen.

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Dinoboss6268 Dinoboss6268 3 August 2016

Breaking Blocks

I know that you can turn the block breaking off with the config but I thought that maby you guys should make it where if the animals got mad they would ram into blocks and slowly break them. The time it takes would depend on the block and animal size. I just thought this would be a better way to let your dinosaurs in your world literly just break everything they touch.

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Dinoboss6268 Dinoboss6268 14 July 2016

Exotic Giants

I relize we just got an update and I don't want to sound like I am over the hype but I realize for people are they are looking for Big, Bold, and not very exoctic. Like titanaboa or Megalodon, I have nothing agaist them but there just diffrent or fresh. I also realize there a large amounts of people who want big animals but if you want to have big animals please stop spamming for Megalodon or titanaboa but for something like carbonemys (a giant turtle) or Livatian (a giant whale).  Just for people who only like bigger animals though

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Dinoboss6268 Dinoboss6268 24 February 2016

So they do or do not move in herds

We all know that they are adding herds in the next update and I have been wanting that for a while but I think we should make animals like mossasaurus(sorry for spelling) should attack there own kind if close. Who agrees and I know we some times don't know if it moves in herds or not but we could go off of the one that is more agreed with.

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Dinoboss6268 Dinoboss6268 14 February 2016

Better Dino pedia

I think we should upgrade the Dino pedia to more of a tablet. Maby you should put a tag on the dinosaurs/prehistoric animals before the dino tablet wil work. Kind of like the tag sends info to the tablet so it can work anywhere.

Crafting idea for the tag.

i=iron                         i r i

r=redstone                i   i


Crafting ideas for dino tablet

i g i

i r i

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